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In-Depth Analysis of Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

Introduction: The Evolution of Web Performance Metrics

The digital landscape constantly evolves, necessitating robust metrics to gauge user experience effectively. The upcoming shift from First Input Delay (FID) to Interaction to Next Paint (INP) in March 2024 marks a significant progression in how web responsiveness is measured. This transition reflects the ongoing efforts to refine the understanding of user interactions with web pages, moving beyond mere first impressions to a comprehensive analysis of user engagement.

The Emergence of INP

INP represents a pivotal change in web performance metrics. By focusing on the latency of all user interactions, it provides a more holistic view of a site’s responsiveness. This is crucial considering that 90% of a user’s time on a page is spent post-load, underscoring the importance of continuous responsiveness throughout the page lifecycle.

Understanding INP

INP assesses a page’s responsiveness by tracking the latency of all clicks, taps, and keyboard interactions. This metric specifically concentrates on the longest interaction latency observed, discarding outliers to ensure a realistic portrayal of a page’s performance.

How INP is Calculated

INP is computed by monitoring all user interactions with a page, reporting the interaction with the worst latency for most sites. However, for sites with a high volume of interactions, one high latency interaction is excluded for every 50 interactions to mitigate the impact of random hiccups.

What Constitutes a Good INP Score?

A good INP score is crucial for a positive user experience. A score at or below 200 milliseconds is considered good, indicating prompt responsiveness. Scores above 200 milliseconds suggest the need for improvement, and anything above 500 milliseconds signals poor responsiveness.

The Mechanics of an Interaction in INP

Understanding the components of an interaction is vital for optimizing INP. Interactions involve event handlers like pointerup, pointerdown, and click in the case of tap interactions. The latency of an interaction is the duration of these event handlers, from the start of the interaction to the presentation of the next frame.

Types of Interactions Measured

INP focuses on specific interactions: mouse clicks, touchscreen taps, and keyboard presses. Notably, hovering and scrolling do not factor into INP, except when scrolling involves a keystroke that triggers other measurable events.

INP vs. First Input Delay (FID)

While FID only accounts for the first interaction, INP provides a more comprehensive assessment by considering all interactions on a page. This approach ensures a more reliable indicator of overall page responsiveness, moving beyond the first impression.

Measuring INP

Effective measurement of INP is critical for understanding and improving user experience.

Field Data Measurement

Field data, particularly from Real User Monitoring (RUM) systems, is invaluable for obtaining real-world insights into a page’s INP. This data not only offers the INP value but also provides contextual information about the interactions, aiding in pinpointing specific areas for enhancement.

Utilizing CrUX for INP Measurement

The Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) offers an accessible way to gather field data for INP, providing an origin-level overview of a website’s performance. However, for detailed analysis, a RUM solution is more effective in identifying specific interactions causing slow responsiveness.

Lab Data Measurement

Lab testing complements field data by allowing controlled testing of user interactions. This is particularly useful in replicating user flows and identifying performance bottlenecks during crucial phases such as page loading.

Strategies for Improving INP

Improving INP requires a multifaceted approach, integrating insights from both field and lab data.

Identifying and Optimizing Slow Interactions

A critical step in enhancing INP is identifying interactions with high latency. Once identified, various optimization strategies can be employed, such as refining JavaScript execution, optimizing event handlers, and ensuring smooth rendering and painting processes.

Best Practices for Maintaining Optimal INP

Developers must adopt best practices that prioritize quick and efficient user interactions. This involves writing efficient code, minimizing long tasks that block the main thread, and optimizing event handling and rendering processes.

Conclusion: The Future of Web Responsiveness

INP stands as a testament to the ongoing evolution of web performance metrics, highlighting the industry’s commitment to enhancing user experience. As we move towards its implementation in 2024, web developers and businesses must adapt their strategies to meet these new standards, ensuring that their websites remain not only functional but highly responsive to user interactions.


Q: Why is INP replacing FID? A: INP is replacing FID to provide a more comprehensive measure of a page’s responsiveness. Unlike FID, which only considers the first interaction, INP assesses all user interactions, offering a broader view of the overall user experience?

Q: How can INP improvement affect user experience? A: Improving INP can lead to a more responsive and fluid user experience, reducing frustrations due to lag and increasing overall user satisfaction. This can potentially lead to longer engagement times and higher conversion rates.

Q: Is INP more important for mobile or desktop sites? A: INP is crucial for both mobile and desktop sites, but given the varying capabilities of mobile devices, optimizing INP for mobile can be particularly impactful. Mobile optimization ensures a responsive experience across a wider range of devices?

Q: Can INP be improved by server-side changes? A: While INP primarily focuses on client-side interactions, server-side improvements like faster APIs, optimized content delivery, and efficient database queries can indirectly enhance INP by reducing the time taken for dynamic content generation and data retrieval.

Q: How often should INP be tested and monitored? A: Regular monitoring and testing of INP are recommended. The frequency can depend on the site’s update cycle, traffic fluctuations, and the introduction of new features or content that could impact performance. Consistent monitoring helps in timely detection and rectification of issues affecting INP.

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